Fixes an issue introduced in version 4.2.8 in Icon View where dragging items was not possible
ForkLift 4.2.8 (March 11, 2025)
Adds an option to use multi-factor authentication (MFA) with SFTP connections - no user configuration required
Adds support for Ghostty as a terminal application, which can be selected in the settings
The AppMover, introduced in version 4.2.6 to move ForkLift into the Applications folder when launched from a different location, now asks only once whether to move ForkLift
Fixes a possible silent crash (no crash report was available) introduced in version 4.2.6 with the OpenSSH implementation, where ForkLift could crash when connected to an SFTP server, especially after waking the computer from sleep
Fixes an issue that made opening folders containing symlinks to an external drive very slow
Fixes an issue introduced in version 4.2.6 that made it impossible to use the Delete toolbar button in combination with the Option key to permanently delete selected items
Fixes an issue where files would jump around when grouping by Kind was enabled, and the sorting type was changed
Fixes an issue where the color of item names and types in the preview pane didn't update correctly when switching between dark and light themes
Fixes an issue where ForkLift was copied instead of moved into the Applications folder after the new AppMover feature (introduced in version 4.2.6) prompted the user and attempted to move it
Numerous minor fixes and improvements
ForkLift 4.2.6 (February 26, 2025)
OpenSSH implementation instead of libssh2 to connect via SFTP - this means that config file commands supported by OpenSSH, such as ProxyJump and Include, will work in ForkLift 4. - Please read this blog post for more information
Czech localization
When ForkLift isn't in the Applications folder, it offers to move itself there, as it shouldn't run from the location where it was downloaded
Displays the number of subitems during preparation for better clarity and user experience
Added support for keyboard shortcuts using the Option/Alt key and a letter. As a result, Option + a letter can no longer be used for type selection in the file view. Type selection still works when typing a word while the file view is active
Custom keyboard shortcuts for the Move to Trash command that include the Option/Alt key now correctly move items to the Trash instead of attempting to delete them immediately
VoiceOver now announces which pane is selected when switching panes
Deleted folders no longer appear in the Recent Folders list
File operation preparation is now up to 10 times faster locally
Fixes an issue that caused slow navigation, introduced in version 4.2.3
Fixes an issue where icons in the Quick Open window were displayed incorrectly
Fixes an issue where Tool names in the Settings were not updated in some cases, remaining "Untitled" despite being renamed
Fixes an issue where dragging multiple folders over the Plus sign in the tab bar only opened one folder instead of all of them in a new tab
Fixes an issue where dragging a tab into the file view created an unwanted tab item inside the view
Fixes an issue where the same color tag could be added twice using keyboard shortcuts
Fixes an issue with pinned tabs causing unexpected behavior when the "Restore windows and tabs on startup" setting was enabled
Fixes an issue where pinned tabs behaved unexpectedly when opening a new window
Fixes an issue in Icon View where dragging and dropping an item onto a folder would automatically open the folder
Fixes an issue where the Connect Panel did not open in the correct pane when remote connections were locked to the Right side in the Settings and the user changed the layout from one pane to two panes
Fixes an issue with the Group by function, introduced in version 4.2.1, where grouping did not work correctly if the “Show folders on top” setting was disabled
Numerous minor fixes and improvements
ForkLift 4.2.4 (January 23, 2025)
Adds the option to hide all remaining groups, including Recent Folders, from the sidebar through the right-click context menu
Fixes the lagging keyboard file navigation introduced in version 4.2.3
ForkLift 4.2.3 (January 21, 2025)
Option to edit the linked file of alias files inside the Preview Pane
Option to hide the "Connections" group from the sidebar, using the Sidebar Editor
New item called "Connections" in the Go menu, which shows the connected remote locations, even if the sidebar or the "Connections" group in the sidebar is hidden
New group called "Recent Folders" in the sidebar, which serves as a history and shows the last 10 locations on the active data source
New item called "Recent Folders" in the Go menu to display recent folders even if the sidebar or the "Recent Folders" group in the sidebar is hidden
Displays the folder icon instead of the document icon in the tabs
Displays the default protocol icons or the favorite icons of remote connections in the tabs
Fixes an issue, which made it impossible to create a new connection to OneDrive, introduced in version 4.2.1
Fixes an issue, which made it impossible to rename items in the root of OneDrive
Fixes an issue, which made it possible to open the About ForkLift window multiple times
Fixes an update error with a registered expired license key and the “Check for updates automatically” setting enabled
Fixes an issue, which made it impossible to open the Connect Panel in the Single Pane layout and remote connections locked to the right pane
ForkLift 4.2.1 (January 7, 2025)
Displays up to three color tags in Icon View
Displays up to three color tags in Column View on macOS 13 or later
Spring-loads folders in Icon View
Adds an option to hide items by checking the "Hidden" option in the Info Window
Shows file information of the linked item of alias and symlink files under "Original" in the Info Window
When the "Restore windows and tabs on startup" setting is enabled, the Connect Panel and the Favorite Manager are no longer restored after restarting ForkLift
Folders are shown on top when grouping by kind, provided the "Show folders on top" setting is enabled
Displays a preview of the linked item when QuickLooking alias and symlink files
Improves retry handling for OneDrive transfers
Fixes a display issue with color tags when multiple tags have the same color
Fixes an issue with the old-style color labels, which was introduced in version 4.2
Fixes an issue where alias and symlink files were not grouped correctly according to their own tags when grouping by tags
Fixes an issue in the Multi-Rename window where changing the case of items resulted in conflicts
Fixes an issue in the Multi-Rename window where adding the year to names used the date format pattern 'Y' instead of 'y,' which have different meanings
Fixes an issue on Amazon S3 where the content type of large files (more than 5 GB) wasn't set correctly after upload
Fixes an issue on Amazon S3 where the content type was always set to "application/octet-stream" when transferring items from another remote location to Amazon S3
Fixes an issue where dragging items over a tab did not activate the corresponding tab
Fixes an issue that made it impossible to display the SCM status in List View, introduced in version 4.2
Fixes small localization issues
Numerous minor fixes and improvements
ForkLift 4.2 (November 26, 2024)
Display up to three color tags in the file view in List View
Option to set a preferred side in Settings for opening remote connections
Display Owner and Group information in the Info Window on SFTP connections
Option to rearrange the order of devices in the sidebar using drag and drop
The preview on a remote connection can now be updated by refreshing the file view
Reorganized the order of context menu items for favorites in the sidebar
Enhanced Icon View to fix several issues, including rendering and refresh problems, jumping selection after renaming, and flashing selection
Fixes an issue that made ForkLift unresponsive during actions, especially synchronization with elevated privileges (when the helper tool requested a password)
Fixes an issue where the favorite path wasn't saved when added from the path bar
Fixes an issue with permissions in the Info Window, where it was impossible to update the Octal
Fixes an issue where the Favorite Manager or Connect Panel, when left open before restarting the app, caused the tab it reopened in to not have a title
Fixes an issue where ForkLift didn't restore the correct order of columns in List View when the "Always resize name column" setting was enabled
Fixes an issue in Column View where, with the "Restore windows and tabs on startup" setting disabled, the previous locations were reopened instead of the starting directory
Fixes an issue where the Actions toolbar button did not function correctly in certain rare situations
Numerous minor fixes and improvements
ForkLift 4.1.9 (October 29, 2024)
Fixes an issue in the conflict panel where some options were missing (introduced in version 4.1.7)
Fixes minor localization issues
Fixes an issue when compressing items with numbers at the end of their names
ForkLift 4.1.8 (October 22, 2024)
Dropbox Teams support
Ability to select and compare two items in the same pane
Option to eject shares via the right-click context menu in the sidebar
Option to disconnect from connections via the right-click context menu in the sidebar
Option to delete favorite groups from the sidebar
Ability to assign keyboard shortcuts to color tags in Settings
New option to copy the path of items (called "Terminal"), which copies the path in a format that can be used directly in the Terminal
"Reveal in Favorite Manager" context menu item of favorites and favorite groups in the sidebar
Warning before upgrading to a new version when your license only allows trial mode
Enhanced display of undo and redo activities in the log
Fixes an issue that made it impossible to connect to Dropbox
Fixes an issue where, in some cases, after switching the macOS Appearance, the theme didn't update in all open tabs
Fixes an issue introduced in version 4.1.7 that made it impossible to drag and drop from some third-party apps into ForkLift
Fixes an issue during multi-renaming where, in certain cases, no conflict window appeared during a conflict, potentially leading to data loss
Fixes an update issue in the Tools section on macOS Sequoia
Focus now jumps to the correct items after certain actions, such as creating an archive or duplicating items
Fixes an issue with workspaces saved in full-screen mode
Fixes an issue that deleted the custom server address of Amazon S3 favorites, preventing users from editing the server field
Fixes an issue when switching between column view and other views where the path depth wasn't maintained correctly
Fixes an issue in rename mode when the Delete key was assigned as the keyboard shortcut for deleting items
Fixes an issue in the Permissions section of the Info Window where it wasn't possible to change the octal values of items
Fixes an issue in the Permissions section of the Info Window where, in some cases, permissions weren't updated correctly for all subitems after clicking "Apply to Enclosed Items"
Numerous minor fixes and improvements
ForkLift 4.1.7 (September 17, 2024)
Tools are available in the context menu of items
Option to change the text size in List View with the Command-Plus and Command-Minus keyboard shortcuts
Improves how locations already open in one of the ForkLift windows are activated when opened by third-party applications, or through a drag and drop action over the ForkLift icon
Placeholders on the Connect Panel for the Backblaze B2 protocol
Sizes of items are visible in the App Deleter window
Displays a warning when quitting ForkLift or a ForkLift window with ongoing activities
Displays more items under More Info in the Info Window
Option to connect to WebDAV without the need to enter a username
Fixes an issue causing files to be incorrectly grouped when Group by date was enabled, due to a time zone mismatch
Fixes an issue, which made it impossible to edit Symlinks on remote connections
Fixes an issue where the app did not reopen in full screen mode
Fixes an issue, which reopened the sidebar and the preview pane in certain situations
Fixes several issues with the Reveal in Finder and Open in Finder commands, when ForkLift was the default file viewer and minimized to the Dock
Fixes an issue, which displayed the Compress toolbar button as inactive on Apple Silicon Macs
Fixes multiple issues on macOS Sequoia (macOS 15), when moving tabs or dragging items over the tabs in the tab bar
Fixes a display issue in the Editing tab of the Settings of ForkLift
Fixes a possible crash with certain FTP servers that require TLS session reuse
Fixes an issue, which allowed saving an empty tool, where running the empty tool could cause a crash
Fixes an FTP compatibility issue with certain servers, where permissions were displayed incorrectly
Fixes issues while saving a favorite, where the pop-up to add a favorite didn't disappear or an error sound was played
Numerous minor fixes and improvements
ForkLift 4.1.6 (August 13, 2024)
Chinese localization
Dragging a local or remote item over an app in the sidebar opens the dragged item in the selected app
More available path formats when copying the path of items
Improved handling of Title Case in the multi-rename window
ForkLift now asks for confirmation when an item is dragged over a favorite in the sidebar, if the relevant setting is enabled
Option to compress multiple archives
Fixes several localization issues
Fixes a sound effect when saving a multi-rename favorite
Fixes an issue where the Action toolbar and menu items were sometimes empty
Fixes an issue where the search field could not be opened with the Command-F keyboard shortcut in certain cases
Fixes an issue where the Compress menu item was disabled, but the text still referenced a previous selection
Numerous minor fixes and improvements
ForkLift 4.1.5 (June 19, 2024)
Items inside the Multi-Rename Window can now be manually reorganized by drag and drop
Local move operations are no longer queued
Fixes a potential crash when clicking the Synchronize button in the Sync window, an issue introduced in version 4.1.4
Fixes an issue on macOS Sequoia Beta that made it impossible to close tabs
ForkLift 4.1.4 (June 18, 2024)
Japanese localization
When ForkLift is the default file viewer, already open locations don't open in a new tab but the already open tab gets activated if it is open in the main ForkLift window
Icon preview of items inside archives in Icon View is now available
Fixes some localization issues
ForkLift 4.1.3 (June 4, 2024)
Option to set recursive view settings on the View Option Panel by selecting the "This Folder and Subfolders" option
Option to use bold folder names, which can be enabled on the View Option Panel
Option to use different fonts, which can be selected on the View Option Panel. Going back to the default System Font is possible by Alt-Clicking the selected font on the View Option Panel
Favorite custom icons are shown inside the tabs. If the same favorite is added to the sidebar multiple times, the icons shown can vary
ForkLift displays the exact size of items in bytes in the Info Window
ForkLift can now parse URLs including usernames, passwords, and port numbers when pasted into the Server field on the Connect Panel. In some cases, it also changes the protocol automatically according to the URL
Option to select text inside the About ForkLift window
Fixes a Sonoma bug, which made all color tags gray in the iCloud Drive. Some versions of the tags still appeared gray in the previous version
Fixes an issue where the same folder name in the path caused a navigation issue
Fixes a possible crash in the Hungarian version when the "Delete orphaned items" option was enabled
Fixes an issue, which made it impossible to drag items over the Trash Can in the Dock while using Column View
Fixes an issue, which displayed the sizes of files as Zero KB after using the "Calculate All Folder Sizes" command
Fixes a possible data loss during local move operations
It is not possible any longer to go back to the parent folder by double-clicking an empty space in column and icon view
Fixes an issue, which didn't separate the path from the URL on the Connect Panel when connecting to WebDAV
Fixes some minor localization issues
Other minor fixes and improvements
ForkLift 4.1.2 (April 23, 2024)
Phone icon as a custom favorite icon
Resume is supported on older versions of OpenSSH servers, where resume isn't supported by default
ForkLift displays color labels, which is an older version of tags
Adding tags is an immediate action
Fixes a Sonoma bug, which made all color tags gray in the iCloud Drive
Fixes an issue in Column View, where the disconnected server remained visible in the file view
ForkLift doesn't reopen previously open windows when the "Restore Windows and Tabs on Startup" setting is enabled
Fixes a refresh issue on SMB connections, tags and other changes should show up immediately
Fixes an issue on Dropbox, where too many activities caused issues and not all items could be transferred or deleted
Fixes an issue, which made it impossible to rename items in the search results
Fixes issues in the context menu of sidebar items
The available free sizes of the drives in the sidebar get updated immediately
Fixes problems in the behavior of the Editing pane in the Settings window
Minor fixes of the custom themes
When the "Resize columns to fit" setting is enabled in Column View, and the columns get manually resized, the columns don't jump back immediately to their calculated sizes, that only happens after a second action is made
Other minor fixes and improvements
ForkLift 4.1.1 (March 6, 2024)
Fixes an issue which opened all remote connections and folders in the right pane introduced in version 4.1
Fixes a display issue of the alternating background introduced in version 4.1
Fixes a deselecting issue in Icon View which could cause data loss
Fixes a toggle issue in the Side Bar Editor in the Shares section, which showed hidden items as selected
ForkLift 4.1 (March 5, 2024)
Spanish localization
"Open with" section in the Info Window: Set an application to open a specific file, or set a default app to open all items with the same extension
Right-click on column headers to add or remove columns in list view
The default sorting order of the date and size columns in list view has become descending, showing the latest and biggest items on top. ForkLift remembers the latest settings and uses those inside the same tab
"Save View Settings as Defaults" menu item inside the View menu
Polar Night theme
Slight changes of the X button in the tabs
Slight changes in the toolbar's look in full screen mode
Fixes a favorite selection issue in the sidebar introduced in version 4.0.7
Fixes an issue which updated the creation date (Date Created) when copying to external drives
Fixes listing issues with certain FTP servers
Fixes an issue, which allowed to close pinned tabs with the X button
Fixes an issue, which allowed to close pinned tabs with the middle mouse button
Fixes an issue of Google Drive where some folders were recursively listed
Fixes an issue with the "Restore Default View Settings" menu item
Minor fixes of the localizations
Other minor fixes and improvements
ForkLift 4.0.7 (January 30, 2024)
Italian localization
Ukrainian localization
Polish localization
Option to print the selected files from the File menu
Improves the performance of "New Folder with Selection"
Changes the editability of .eml files, which makes them previewable
Filters out the Tools (created in the Settings) from the "Open Favorite" section of Quick Open because those couldn't be executed. The tools are now only listed in the "Execute Command" section
Addresses the Terrapin Vulnerability (CVE-2023-48795)
ForkLift 4.0.6 (January 16, 2024)
Option to claim the additional 100 days of free updates for users who have bought ForkLift 4 without entering their ForkLift 3 license keys and receiving an upgrade bonus. To claim the bonus, select "ForkLift > Claim Upgrade Bonus" from the menu. Click here for more info.
New Amazon S3 regions: Israel (Tel Aviv), Canada West (Calgary)
Tooltips of the icons at the bottom of the Favorite Manager
Calculate All Folder Sizes menu item inside the File menu, which can be used when no item is selected
Option to add custom favorite icons to the favorites in the sidebar
Tab close buttons are now placed on the left side of the tabs. When you hover over a tab, the X button to close the tab replaces the icon inside the tab
Improved display of additional information of pdf files in the Info Window
Improved interpreter in the Tools section
Fixes an issue on the Connect Panel where, with certain protocols, the Connect button became active before all the necessary information was entered
Fixes an issue where transferring certain types of folders to or from external drives was not possible due to an invisible file that ForkLift incorrectly claimed already existed in the target location
Fixes an issue with surpassing the maximum number of simultaneous transfers
Fixes a Backblaze connection issue (HTTP Request failed: (500) internal server error)
Fixes localization issues
Numerous minor fixes and improvements
ForkLift 4.0.5 (November 17, 2023)
Fixes an issue, which made it impossible to work with the filters in the Sync Window
Fixes a possible crash when fileSize was selected as a filter in the Sync Window
Fixes localization issues of the filters in the Sync Window
Fixes issues of saving and restoring the Default View Settings
ForkLift 4.0.4 (November 14, 2023)
Fixes a possible crash when syncing to a remote location - introduced in version 4.0.3
Fixes an issue with remote connections, which, in some cases, made it impossible to navigate away from the user's home directory - introduced in version 4.0.3
Fixes an issue with the speed of the synchronization - introduced in version 4.0.3
Fixes an issue with the Tools - introduced in version 4.0.3
ForkLift 4.0.3 (November 14, 2023)
Option to deselect items individually in the Sync Window
French localization
The settings of the PDF previewer inside the Preview Pane are now saved and restored
The size of the Multi-rename window is now saved and automatically restored
Increased size limit of the Preview Pane, beneficial for users with higher screen resolution
Introducing the option to resize the icons in Icon View with the Command-Plus and the Command-Minus keyboard shortcuts
Custom icons for the Movies and Developer folders when added to the favorites
Improved SFTP connections to connect to the main user directory instead of the root, addressing multiple connection issues
Fixes an issue preventing the successful usage of FTP passwords imported from ForkLift 3. After this update, the defunct imported passwords will start working in ForkLift 4 automatically. Future imports should work without issues
Fixes an issue within Tools (Setting > Tools) where functionality was compromised if the file name contained special characters
Fixes an issue in Settings > Editing, allowing users to permanently delete applications from the list
Fixes a download issue from OneDrive, ensuring downloaded folders are no longer empty
Fixes an issue in the Sync Window, where in some cases, the number of items in the status info at the bottom of the window was displayed incorrectly
Fixes a Default Folder X integration issue, ensuring the correct sorting order
Fixes Dropbox transfer issues, enabling the transfer of items with special characters (such as Japanese or Cyrillic characters) without encountering the error code: "HTTP error code: 400."
Fixes a VoiceOver issue in the Toolbar
Fixes an issue with unresponsive network share favorites
Fixes an issue on Google Drive where replacing folders wasn't possible in some cases
Fixes an issue on Google Drive where in some cases, opening the Shared Drives and the Shared with me folder resulted in the error code: "invalid value: invalid"
Numerous minor fixes and improvements
ForkLift 4.0.2 (September 26, 2023)
Added Delete button to delete favorites inside the Favorite Manager (Favorites > Show Favorites)
Option to use the Delete key to delete the selected favorite inside the Favorite Manager (Favorites > Show Favorites)
Tools now evaluate commands and parameters the same way as the Terminal
Purchase menu disappears immediately after registering ForkLift
Fixes a possible crash when connecting to certain SFTP servers
Fixes some SFTP compatibility and connection issues
Fixes an issue on FTP and SFTP connections where in column and icon view drag operations were treated as move operations instead of copy
Fixes an issue where files downloaded with zero bytes from certain SFTP servers
Fixes an issue during synchronization when "Delete orphaned items" and "Synchronize subfolders" were enabled
Fixes an issue with Google Drive when copying folders would fail with "No such file or directory" error
Fixes an issue with OneDrive when files would appear multiple times in the file view
Fixes an issue where duplicated favorites didn't function as expected
Fixes an issue with Content search, which was only working correctly when "Search in Subfolders" was enabled
Numerous minor fixes and improvements
ForkLift 4.0.1 (September 17, 2023)
Fixes an authentication issue with SFTP servers in the Setapp version of ForkLift 4